Broadway, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN7 4HX


Dunsville Primary School

Working as one to achieve excellence through enjoyment

Headteacher - Mrs V Wilson

Welcome to Diamond Class!


My name is Mrs Fuller and I am the class teacher.


We are a Year 1 class who work closely with Emerald (Year 1/2) and Garnet (Year 2) class. Other adults that you might see working in our classroom are:

Mrs Credland, Mrs Stewart, Mrs Cording and Mrs Wynne 

Take a look at our classroom!

What we're up to this term...

Autumn 2024

Our trip to Austerfield Study Centre

KS1 went on an educational visit to Austerfield Study Centre as part of our Science work on 'animals and their needs'. It was the first snowy day of the year and it was very cold! We had a great time learning about different animals and then walking through the woods to make animal habitats. Take a look at some of our photos...


This half term, we have been reading the book 'Grandad's Island' and as a hook, we designed our own island getaways! What do you think? 


This term, we have been using laptops to develop our mouse skills. We are working towards creating a picture using Sketchpad. Here is some of our work so far ....

Autumn 2 forecast and curriculum booklet

The half termly forecast for Diamond class contains important information for parents including PE days.

The curriculum booklet explains what we will be covering in each subject this half term.


 Aut 2 forecast Diamond class.docxDownload
 KS1 parent booklet Autumn 2 2024.docxDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Autumn 2 homework

The homework grid for this half term can be seen below. Remember, homework is also on Seesaw and should be submitted there.

Autumn 1 forecast and curriculum booklet

The half termly forecast for Diamond class contains important information for parents including PE days.

The curriculum booklet explains what we will be covering in each subject this half term.


 Aut 1 forecast Diamond class.docxDownload
 KS1 parent booklet Autumn 1 2024.docxDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Autumn 1 homework

The homework grid for this half term can be seen below. Remember, homework is also on Seesaw and should be submitted there.


Useful information:

Below are a few instructional videos to help you prepare your child for the Year 1 Phonics Check in June.

If you need any further information or assistance please let us know.

Useful websites:

Year 1 Phonics Check Parent Meeting Resources
