Year 5
Topaz Class
Welcome to the Topaz Class page!
My name is Mr Schofield and I am the teacher in Topaz Class. Miss Tindall, Mrs Cording and Mrs Wynne also teach at different times in the week.
We are learning about Baghdad 900CE in history.
Please follow the link below to find out more information about this period in history:
In art and design, we are learning about Art in the Italian Renaissance. We have learnt about Italian artists, and we have explored anatomical drawings. Here are our creations:
This term, our PE sessions will be on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure children have their indoor and outdoor PE kits on these days.
Weekly Homework
Reading - If pupils read 3 times a week (and this is signed in their reading records), they will be able to move their name through the clouds. Once children reach the top cloud on the display, they will receive a prize!
Spellings - Every Monday, pupils are sent home with statutory spellings to practise for the spelling tests the following Monday.
Times Tables - To enable children to progress within maths, it is essential that they can recall their times tables up to 12 x 12. Weekly practice, using our times tables mats, will help children to improve their recall. The websites below have a range of games that can support children with this:
Don't forget to play on Times Tables Rockstars!
Here is our Parent Booklet with the learning we are doing this term:
Here is this half term's home learning activities document:
Here is this half term's Parent Letter: